Friday, October 12, 2007

And My Point Is...

This is the best story. Ever. Because it validates my long-held personal belief and point.

Which is, dogs are better than cats. There. I've said it.

Here's the proof.


Anonymous said...

I read this last night, chuckled, and then shut my laptop and went to pet the new cat. She bit me.

J.M. Tewkesbury said...

AV: Ha. Further proof. If it's any comfort, Pee-Oh-Gee-Oh just hissed at me. Unprovoked. Dirty Bastard Cat.

Cele said...

While I can tolerate a cat, Ducky hates them with a passion. Being allergic doesn't help. I always liked the poloriod commercial where the dog gets the goods on the cat that had been setting him up.

J.M. Tewkesbury said...

Cats are, as I've said before, vile creatures. I'll grant you that Pee-Oh-Gee-Oh has won an infinitesimal, electron-microscopic corner in my Grinch-sized heart, but only because he lets me groom him on occasion. Otherwise, he's a nasty beast.