Monday, October 13, 2008

Today's Tewkesbury Round-up in Photos

Today's round-up is a collection of photos brought to you by a couple of the folks who participate in City Daily Photo (CDP) blogging and one random blogger who follows my photography blog.

We'll start in St. Louis, Missouri, where CDP blogger Strangetastes found a House Divided in his neighborhood.

Jumping across the Pacific to Honolulu, Jamie and Kala provide this perspective on Scaracuda and violence against women. Here is Dedicated to Sarah Palin, Anti-Women, Anti-Children. In fact, if you scroll down beyond this entry, you'll find three more dedicated to Alaska Spice.

Meanwhile, over at The Inner Workings of My Mind, Amy shares a picture of her breakfast--an omelet called the Obamalette. No lie. You'll find her photo and write up in an entry titled simply 008.

And finally, this snap taken by yours truly at the neighborhood 7-11. Seems even our Coffee is Partisan.


Anonymous said...

The blog entry about Sarah Palin making rape victims pay for their own rape kits makes it blazingly clear that I need to kick the next guy in the nuts when he says he's voting for Palin because she's "hot."

Thanks for that link, Tewks.

- Phoebe

Anonymous said...

Phoebe: Makes you sick to your stomach, doesn't it? But then, I've never understood where men get off thinking they have a say over what women can and can't do with their bodies. One day, I'd like to see counter legislation presented by a woman that mandates certain health guidelines and rights/denial of rights for men and see how they like it.