Thursday, November 6, 2008


While the election of Barack Obama is historic on so many levels, the majority of voters didn't elect him simply because he is mixed race. Nevertheless, the fact that a black man is our next president is meaningful and impactful in the lives of so many people of color who have fought long and hard for equal rights in our country. CNN does a meaningful fluff piece featuring the women of The View. Whoopi Goldberg and Sherri Shepherd talk about what this means for them. Check it out.

Meanwhile, Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post explains why this election is so meaningful to him and millions of other black Americans. Here is Morning in America.

This morning, I spent about 45 minutes IM'ing with a correspondent who works for CNN London about the results of Tuesday's historic election. He's from New Zealand, but expressed his happiness and said he shed a few tears earlier this week when he watched the response of those who gathered in Chicago and when he listened to President-elect Obama's acceptance speech. Yesterday, a number of visitors from around the world left comments that basically reflect a collective sigh of relief. If you'd like, read their comments here.

Finally, if you missed Oprah's show yesterday, you can see it on her website. She was in the crowd in Grant Park on Tuesday and, based on the shots of her and the Rev. Jessie Jackson, it was a momentous day for both of them.


Cele said...

I am a happy American, there is change on the American landscape, and yes we have elected a man who is half black/half white. I am happy it break a barrier. But there are two things that this has brought home for me.

1) As much as I have always thought every person in this country is equal, watching comments like those of Sherry Shepard (did I get her name right?) and Whoopie and the comments made by others who are black made me realise how far up in the clouds my head has always been. I don't get hatred, I don't get racism, and for the most part I have always lived where the majority of people held my view. So to see and hear this brings home a reality to me.

2) The second thing that I learned out of this election cycle was how unprogressive my progressive mother is. I love this woman, she is largely responsible for the person I am today. But to come to the realization that she knows nothing about the Republican party, the candidates, and the issues she supports, nor about the consititution was mind numbing to me. I'm still not sure how to deal with it. I believe everyone has their right to an educated opinion. But how do you deal with people who blindly hold on to opinions that are based on total ignorance?

Well now that I have unveiled my quandary I'm off to work. After I fix my damn mascara again.

Tewkes thank you again.

suburban dyke said...

Let’s fight back on Proposition 8. Let’s boycott California wines, produce and travel. Let’s publicize it. Let’s embarrass them. It worked a few years ago in Colorado. What do say?

J.M. Tewkesbury said...

Cele: You have hit the nail on the head on precisely why I chose these articles! I don't think the majority of non-colored Americans truly grasp what this election means to people of color. I hope they get it now! As for your mother, it is astonishing to believe you've been raised by progressives, when you haven't really. I'm experiencing similar realizations.

Suburban Dyke: I like the idea of boycotting California and Utah. What I hope is two things:

1) Members of the Mormon Church who voted No on Prop H8 will walk with their feet and their tithing money.

2) Corporations that are the bedrock of the California economy, like high tech and Hollywood, will decamp to other states and take their tax revenues and jobs with them. I'm sure Oregon and Washington or Maryland and New Jersey would welcome them!