Friday, November 21, 2008

The Savior of the GOP. Really?!

Remember, this is the person the Republican Party is saying will be their savior in 2012. Lord help 'em.

If you want to see the uncensored version, there's a link in this article: Sarah Palin in the Silence of the Turkeys.

Ya know, nothing against spokespersons and PR wonks, but where were her people during this little bit?!?!

And I thought we'd seen the last of her on the evening of Nov. 4. But, no...


rachaelgking said...

Oh, thank you for this. Over at Doug's place ( I was desperately trying to remember what it was I was thinking about this morning during "Poop Time." It was the fact that if I saw anyone with a Sarah Palin 2009 bumper sticker on their car anytime soon, I'm sure I would throw the nearest hard object at them before I could stop myself.

rachaelgking said...

I mean 2012, whoops!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't stop laughing! I love (hate?) the part where the turkey thingy is rockin' and rollin' in the background. Where in the world did they find Joe the Butcher?

Anonymous said...

"Friend to all creatures, great and small?" Are you OUT of your frozen wasteland of a MIND, Mizz Sarah?!!

I couldn't listen to the whole thing. Nobody would make her shut up. It's not fair.

- Phoebe

Anonymous said...

I tried one, too -- see

Cele said...

Argh! Blogger ate my comment. It went something like this.

American's like their Thanksgiving Turkey in a clueless state (them not the turkey)that includes me too. I don't want to see where it comes from... kind of like babies.

So the GOP still thinks she'll make a run for it in 2012...again clueless.

Okay so that is totally not what I wrote the first time.

Anonymous said...

Not to throw ice water on the cotton candy parade of bashing Gov. Palin - lord knows I am no fan - however, I think that democrats dismiss her at our/their peril. Not suggesting that she will definitely be the nominee in 2012, just that ignoring the portion of the populous that was greatly energized by her would be a mistake.

J.M. Tewkesbury said...

LiLu: Somewhere the other day I saw a Palin for President 2012 website. I had to stop myself from flinging my beloved MacBook out the window!

Dingo: Who knows?! He's every photographer/videographers worst nightmare, though, because he wants to see the action and keeps inserting himself in the picture. The whole thing is just too gruesome and macabre.

Phoebe: I had to fast forward, too. Listening to her drone on and on in that upper northwest accent was more than I could bear. I almost had to get out the beer to bear it!

Mike: Your poster is sublime! Well done!

Cele: I hate it when Blogger eats my comment! Having once slaughtered and prepared a turkey with my own hands, I'm very reverent about my turkey consumption.

RR: You are absolutely correct in that. Those who are adherents of Gov. Palin are not to be dismissed. We would be unwise, as you point out, to ignore them or dismiss them as insignificant. In fact, I think we need to be directing part of our message toward them and winning them over for 2012. Otherwise, Lord help us!

foundinidaho said...

My mother was watching this video over my 16 year old's shoulder and commented "Those press are always out to get her!" - I couldn't help it - I said, "You've got to be kidding me, she knew exactly where they were shooting the video - or she should have."

Dear God in heaven, this woman is stupid.

Katherine said...

Isn't she rumored to have a multi million dollar book deal now? Or was that just in my nightmare from last night?

J.M. Tewkesbury said...

FII: Your mother? Or Sarah Palin? ;-)

Katherine: No, it wasn't a dream. You heard it and, yes, it is a nightmare. Who the hell would read that? All I know is, if Politics & Prose books her, that will be a definitive sign from the universe that we really have lost our common sense.

Virginia said...

I cannot watch it. I tried, she makes my head feel like it's going explode! I want her to go AWAY! The Republicans really don't get it do the? Absolutely amazing. Even sadder...SHE doesn't get it either. Somebody, anybody , I beg of you ....SHUT HER UP!