Monday, January 12, 2009

Coolest Thing I've Seen Since the Hug Guy

I found this today via my friends, The Professor and Mary Ann. It put a smile on my face. I hope it does yours, too. Here is Happy Dance.

Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.

The most striking image in this video? Matt Harding dancing in the Demilitarized Zone in Korea.

Simply breathtaking.


lacochran said...

This is a very uplifing video. :)

Anonymous said...

Love it!! Thanks :)

- Phoebe

J.M. Tewkesbury said...

Lacochran: I thought so, too. But it also begs the question, why can't I land a gig like this?

Phoebe: You're welcome!

Cele said...

I loved the first video, this one is even more up lifting. So many of the places made me teary, just for the unity and spontanious joy of it.

Brian said...

Yes, you can't help but be happy after you watch that. So simple, yet profound. I should file this away under the title of "Things to Watch When Having a Crappy Day!"

J.M. Tewkesbury said...

Cele: I wonder what kinds of world we lived in if we all did something like this? Perhaps the Happy Dance should be a requirement of every world leader!

Brian: Definitely something to file under the header you suggest!

NG said...

I've seen these videos dozens of times and never get tired of it. Just now my one year old sat transfixed for the entire 4 minutes.

J.M. Tewkesbury said...

NG: I can totally see the Caterpillar bopping away to this! Cute kid.

Katherine said...

Needed that today. Thanks.

Janet Kincaid said...

You're welcome. Always glad to be of service, er, I mean, useful.

RoeH said...
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Wicked H said...

Big ole smile over here.

Warms the heart it does, even mine. ;-)

rachaelgking said...

This absolutely MADE MY DAY when I stumbled across it a while back:

I loved it so much, FoggyDew made me a CD of the song for my birthday! Too sweet.

foundinidaho said...

I almost felt like dancing while watching it.

Anonymous said...

Wicked: Me, too. And that's saying something since I have the heart of the Grinch.

LiLu: Foggy Dew is the best!

FII: Well, go for it!

Virginia said...

I think that sums up how most of the world feels right now! I loved India best!

Subterranean Suburbanite Hausfrau said...

Um, no, actually it just reminds me of how I will probably never be able to afford to travel outside of North America ever again.

Okay, time for me to go have a good cry now.