I've been remiss the last few months, so in celebration of the last day of the work week, I give you the return of Photo Friday. This year, I'm participating in a project with six other people where we dream big. We're artists, writers, photographers, mixed media folk. I'm representin' for the East Coast. In fact, now that I think of it, I'm the only participant who lives east of the Mississippi. Hm. My point is, I'm working to improve my photos and start selling my work. That's my big dream this year.
So, here is this week's photo. And if you haven't gotten your Obamicon, you can get yours here.

Happy (Photo) Friday, friends!
Photo copyright: D.C. Confidential, 01/09
I wanna play! Is that your photo? Incredible!
Oh wait, I'm not a photographer....:(
JulieAnn: Yep, that's my photo. You may not be a photographer, but you're a writer. The group I'm a part of this year is working amongst ourselves for the moment, but in a year we hope to open the project to more people, so stay tuned.
As for you, you can play along by living out your dream this year. What do you want to write? Who do you want to reach? What dreams do you have for your words?
Do it! Your photos are fantastic!
Seems there are common themes swirly around. I just have a conversation with a friend about my new life resolution: go big or go home. Good luck with the art sales!
LA: Thanks! I've sold a couple of photos already and I'd love to sell more.
Katherine: I'm noticing this theme a lot, too. It's as if collectively many of us are deciding to no longer be stuck and to actually move our feet. Woe unto the person who stands in the way of our big thinking!
Definately you must do it, your photos are incredible.
I love how the black and white application highlights the curves and structure.
Cele: Thanks! I think I'll add this one to my portfolio of available photos.
Pheebs: Just in case you meant to leave your comment here, rather than the entry before this one... Thanks! I think I might have my Obamicon put on a t-shirt!
You might have already said this somewhere, but is there a Web site where you are putting your photos for sale?
I love your work!
Pheebs: I have an account with ImageKind, but I haven't finished my set up on it. It's one of my goals for this year and I hope to have something solid up in the next few months. In the meantime, if there's a particular picture you're interested in, let me know.
The B&W is nice. I can't say as I care much for the Obamicon. I find it kind of creepy!
Maya: You'll be seeing it again tomorrow over on D.C. Confidential. It's like college with my photos: write one paper, use it for three classes. Take one picture, use it for three blogs!
And I just ordered my Obamicon as a poster...
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