One friend calls this "The Louvre of the Internet." Others think I'm subversive. Most art is like that.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Doing Lunch
Sikh Lunch
Took this photo today while I was downtown and waiting to meet a friend for a bite to eat at The Brown Bag at 14th & K.
Happy (Photo) Friday, everyone!
Photo copyright: D.C. Confidential, 03/09
Goll, the architectural details make me want to cry. Is it bad that I want to crop this photo, and put the window with the sikh in it directly in the center and enlarge it? Normally I don't crave symmetry, but I do in this one.
It's better to keep this photo uncropped, even though it satisfied my need for symmetry when you cropped it. This photo tells more of a story and gives the viewer a sense of place and movement. Sorry for presuming to give the master advice :) - Phoebe
Goll, the architectural details make me want to cry. Is it bad that I want to crop this photo, and put the window with the sikh in it directly in the center and enlarge it? Normally I don't crave symmetry, but I do in this one.
Is this a Rohrshach test?
Hope you had a nice lunch.
Phoebe: Interesting. I've given it a try. Check your email and tell me what you think...
Again a picture that would lose its interesting features if it was in color.
Cele: Thanks! It's definitely a better picture in B&W.
It's better to keep this photo uncropped, even though it satisfied my need for symmetry when you cropped it. This photo tells more of a story and gives the viewer a sense of place and movement. Sorry for presuming to give the master advice :) - Phoebe
Phoebe: I have a second cropped version that you also might like. I may post it later this week for comparison's sake.
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