Friday, March 27, 2009

Doing Lunch

Sikh Lunch

Took this photo today while I was downtown and waiting to meet a friend for a bite to eat at The Brown Bag at 14th & K.

Happy (Photo) Friday, everyone!

Photo copyright: D.C. Confidential, 03/09


Anonymous said...

Goll, the architectural details make me want to cry. Is it bad that I want to crop this photo, and put the window with the sikh in it directly in the center and enlarge it? Normally I don't crave symmetry, but I do in this one.

Is this a Rohrshach test?

Hope you had a nice lunch.

Janet Kincaid said...

Phoebe: Interesting. I've given it a try. Check your email and tell me what you think...

Cele said...

Again a picture that would lose its interesting features if it was in color.

Janet Kincaid said...

Cele: Thanks! It's definitely a better picture in B&W.

Anonymous said...

It's better to keep this photo uncropped, even though it satisfied my need for symmetry when you cropped it. This photo tells more of a story and gives the viewer a sense of place and movement. Sorry for presuming to give the master advice :) - Phoebe

J.M. Tewkesbury said...

Phoebe: I have a second cropped version that you also might like. I may post it later this week for comparison's sake.