Sunday, January 25, 2009

And Thus, It Begins...

Today's Washington Post reports that President Obama's executive order to close down Guantanamo Bay within a year may be hampered by "files in disarray" and "scattered throughout the executive branch." Reading this article set my teeth on edge and is, I believe, only the beginning of what will be revealed about the Bush War on Terrorism.

Here is Guantanamo Case Files in Disarray.

But wait, there's more! Karen J. Greenberg reports that there was a time in the history of Gitmo, when the military tried to do the right thing by detainees despite objections from the civilian side--i.e. Donald Rumsfeld and cohorts--of the equation. Have a look at When Gitmo Was (Relatively) Good. I wonder how former administration officials will respond to this?


Gilahi said...

I wonder how former administration officials will respond to this?

My guess is, they won't.

LG said...

My experience, while in the military, was that for the most part things are done correctly and according to standard. Of course you get the individuals who go outside the lines (like at Abu Ghraib), but across the board it's a pretty standard operation. The mix-ups and line blurring often comes in when the civilian sector gets involved.

And I agree with Gilahi - the administration did little answer questions while in office, so I don't see them answering anything now.

foundinidaho said...

Maybe 35 years from now we'll get to see a movie called "Olbermann vs. Bush (or Shrub, if it's comedy).

Just sayin'....

Janet Kincaid said...

Gilahi: Yeah, I suppose that would be asking too much, wouldn't it?

LG: I suspected as much. My sense has often been that the military brass don't want a Nuremberg on their hands and don't buy into the cop out "I was just following orders." Unfortunately, the civilian side of the military under Bush left a helluva lot to desire. Rumsfeld should be carted off to jail, bastard. And Cheney with him.

FII: I love it! You're right. In 20 or 30 years, someone will make a movie about this. And it will be one that all school children and individuals aspiring to the presidency should be compelled to watched.

Anonymous said...

I just finished reading The Crucible. Although Arthur Miller wrote that play as a subversive statement about the McCarthy witch hunts, I think the metaphor extends to Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld's witch hunt. They should all be held accountable for the generations lost, and the decades of havoc this will cause. I feel sick everytime I think about it.

- Phoebe