Friday, July 17, 2009

Rumors of My Demise Are Greatly Exaggerated...

Jet d'eau and Carousel : Geneva, CH
(Click image to enlarge.)

Still plugging away in Switzerland. My original contract ended on June 30 and I started a new one the next day. I'm here at least through August 31, but possibly longer, if I want. The $64,000 question is: do I want?

Creeping irrationalities slither in and make me doubt myself and whether I'm a value-add. Solid rationalities stand opposite and say, of course I am. Somewhere in the middle lies the truth.

Anyway--getting back on track with this sad and lonely blog, today is Photo Friday. The photo above was taken last Friday, at the edge of Geneva's harbor at the southern end of Lac Leman--Europe's largest freshwater lake.

Happy (Photo) Friday, friends!


Maya said...

I don't think there is a question of value added. I think the question should be "do you want to continue living here."

Nice shot!

Mary Ellen said...

Any verdict yet?

(my word verification is whiners' not sure if it's apt)