A friend of mine in the UK is a nanny for a lovely little tyke who just turned two in December. It was also her birthday that month. I was a little slow on the uptake, sadly, but finally got a gift off to her before the New Year. I also included a little something for her chargee.
One of my favorite stores is a place here in town called Pulp. It's down on 14th and S Streets NW next to Home Rule and Garden District. Pulp has a delightful children's section and I found a lovely gameboard-paper book for the little 'un that featured the art of Henri Rousseau. My friend is a huge fan of art and often takes her guy to the museums in her city.
Last Friday, the above postcard arrived from the two-year old. It features Rousseau's painting Tiger in a Tropical Storm (Surprised!) which they had just seen and which also featured in the aforementioned book I sent.
Thanks, Aitch and Emm, for the lovely postcard and note!
That's so sweet, on both sides. And also, now I have to go check out that store.
Yes, we went straight to the painting (Room 45 of the National Gallery) and then jogged right back out again to watch the falcons chasing the pigeons in Trafalgar Square.
We go to the museums quite often but rarely stay for more than three paintings...*sigh*
Cool store. I want to go. And I really like the name. Pulp. Yeah.
Jess: My friend Aitch is pretty sweet and it was fun to get this postcard. And yes, you should definitely check out Pulp. It rocks!
HM: I was (we were, I should say) so delighted to receive this postcard! Warmed me wee little heart, it did. I suppose if I was two, I'd rather watch falcons chasing pigeons than looking at art. Hopefully his priorities will change as he gets older. The important thing is, you're taking him to museums. When I visit your side of the pond, I promise we'll go to the National Gallery and look at more than three paintings!
Lucy: The next time you're in town, you should. It's a fun store. Home Rule is also great. Oh, and Go Mama Go, which is next to Home Rule, is also fabulous!
I love the card/painting. Now I am longing to go to a museum. hmmmm.
Cele: A trip to the museum is always a good thing.
I say that, knowing I live four miles from more than 10 museums and I haven't been to any recently. That makes me lame.
Come on over and we'll go together!
I've never been to Pulp. Sounds like a good place to find gifts for my niece and nephews!
Liz: Pulp is a great store, especially if you're looking for unusual and fun gifts for friends. I should clarify, though. The section for children is about the size of a small linen closet. Still, the selection is well-thought out and unique.
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