Thursday, June 26, 2008


Seen at the intersection of Piney Branch and Georgia Avenue NW yesterday morning.

I can be a dim bulb sometimes, but this sign has me perplexed.

If I give you my car, truck, or boat, what good will a gas card do me?

Inquiring minds seek further light and knowledge....


Gilahi said...


J.M. Tewkesbury said...

Gilahi: *Snort* LOL! I wonder what kind of gas mileage they get?

Gilahi said...

In my neighborhood everybody but me has a gas-powered mower. Two of my neighbors are apparently disciples of Tim Allen and mowing isn't enough. They each then strap on their gas-powered weed whackers, followed by their gas-powered edgers, and finally their gas-powered blowers to clean up. It's like my house is next to an airport runway.

Anonymous said...

My parents gave me a gas-powered mower when I bought my first house. I have a yard a yard the size of a postage stamp and would have been happy with a push mower. As for weed whacker, don't get me started. And leaf blowers? Well, those and weed whackers should be banned. I use a broom and a dustpan for my yard trimmings.

Anonymous said...

It's for the chilllllllldrunnn; so ask not what the gas card is for ;)

- Phoebe

J.M. Tewkesbury said...

Phoebe: Well, see, then that just makes what I've known all along official: I'm a Scrooge. :-)

Cele said...

I have three vehicles. I know, I know but when one breaks down (like my husband's commuter car that gets the best gas mileage did last night) I get to drive his dad's old truck. So I guess a gas card is meant for the vehicle remaining. I've always heard you get really screwed by the goverment on your donation deduction when you donate a car to charity.

I heard the push mower is now the new thing to have. That cracks me up, but I always loved my dad's old push mower it was kewl, before cool. I would not want to mow my mother's five acre lawn (it's really only an acre) with a push mower though.

lacochran said...

Then, again, they could simply take the money they were going to invest in gas cards and help the children a little quicker.

Anonymous said...

Cele: We have two cars ourselves, so I guess if we gave away one, the gas card would come in handy for the other. Still... As for push mowers, I think it's all part of that "going green" thing all hyped up about right now. While our EU counterparts are great at the green thing, for America, it's mostly sound and fury. Give it another five years. All those push mower owners will have switched back to gas.

Lacochran: That assumes two things. First, that people simply give things away out of the goodness of their hearts and without thinking "what's in it for me?" and second, that would make sense. This is Washington. Nothing makes sense.

Anonymous said...

They're obviously trying to recreate Gift of the Magi

Wicked H said...

Which number of Futnutz were we serving?

J.M. Tewkesbury said...

Will: That explains it! :-)

Wicked: Number 582. Next!

Angie K. Millgate said...

OMG! Hilarious!

Come on, Tewksey!!! What does it matter if you get a free friggin gas card after you give up your car? It's for the kiddies! So stop questioning the brilliance of that particular ad. LOL

Anonymous said...

Abgue: Oh, just call me Scrooge. I'm everyone's favorite contrarian curmudgeon! (That's repetitive, isn't it?)

Anonymous said...

Abgue: Oh, just call me Scrooge. I'm everyone's favorite contrarian curmudgeon! (That's repetitive, isn't it?)

Anonymous said...

I love our electric lawn mower... it's so quiet, and perfect for a small yard*. Maybe your noisy neighbor can get one. They make electric weed whackers, too!

*just take care not to run over the power cord. That would be... really bad.

J.M. Tewkesbury said...

Liz: My next door neighbor has an electric mower. I should have included a paragraph or two about her. They're great contraptions, if you just turn 'em on and run 'em. But she turns hers on, runs it for 15 seconds, then turns it off. Then she turns it on, runs a swath of grass, and turns it off. This continues through her entire mowing process, which generally takes her 30-45 minutes. And her yard is the same size as mine. Drives me insane! Of course, it also drives me insane that her 30-something grandson lives with her and she's the one mowing the lawn. She's easily 70. Hello?!