Friday, September 19, 2008

McCain-Palin Watch 2008

Just a couple of articles about why John McCain and Sarah Palin are not the people for the job.

From the pages of the Salt Lake Tribune (and before you dismiss it as a red state rag, read on. The Trib leans a little more left then you'd think and these three pieces are particularly worth reading):

Ex-colleague of Palin 'shocked' she is VP pick
Reckless Disregard: McCain and Palin's misplace allegiance
Better Comparison

My friend Holly asked those of us who read her blog to post this video from the Brave New Foundation. Here is:

The Real McCain

In an effort to be fair and balanced, I'll let you decide. Here are two opposing viewpoints of Sarah Palin from BBC4:

Why Rednecks May Rule the World
Small Town Girl v Big-City Boy

From The Guardian (UK):

Crash Diplomacy Course for McCain Running Mate
Can Palin Keep America Safe?

I'm going to stop there for now, because you get the idea: I'm not a fan of McCain-Palin. Besides, I have to get cracking on work now. My clients don't pay me to blog, darn-it-all.


Okay, I lied. One last thought:

The Bush Administration's isolationist policies have left us without many allies, but if you think the world doesn't care about what's happening in this election, think again. According to Barack Obama's site, expats and citizens of other countries have started supporting his campaign. People living in one of Europe's most politically neutral countries, Switzerland, are joining the cause. Check it out. And how about these folks in London? Obviously, if they're paying attention, we should be, too.

On Sunday, I'm going over to the Obama campaign office in Northern Virginia to volunteer some hours. Anyone care to join me?


And now, back to our blog programming previously underway today:

Talk Like a Pirate, You Putrescent Scumsack Politician, You!

I Have No Words


LG said...

I wish I could join you on Sunday. Maybe I'll look up my local chapter to volunteer at so I don't feel so helpless/hopeless.

Anonymous said...

I'm dumbfounded by the "Real McCain" video. Wait. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, eh?

Loved the "Palin's sunny version of extremism" quote.

I'll pass on the links. Thanks for posting them.

- Phoebe

J.M. Tewkesbury said...

LG: We can't give up hope and one way to do that is to help. Get out there on Sunday and let me know how it goes. Here's the link to Obama's activities in Utah.

Phoebe: Isn't that "Real McCain" video something? I suppose we shouldn't be surprised, but we are. If you want to see more about McCain, go here.